The Foundation of Our Success

Our committed employees shape the company and the nature of Norafin. Without them, Norafin would not have such a broad product portfolio, including individualized customer solutions and the necessary flexibility.

The health of our employees is our prime asset. Therefore, one of our core tasks is occupational safety and the health of our employees, customers, suppliers and visitors. This includes the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, the assessment of potential hazards and the creation of a healthy working environment. Our employees should feel comfortable with us and enjoy coming to work. We enable this through team-building measures, health prevention courses and flexible working shifts/home office. A health-working group deals with health promoting work structuring in the company. The well-being of our employees is our main focus.

In 2018, Norafin won the prevention award in the textile and fashion sector with its project 100 and is awarded for the comprehension of its employees by the optimization of their own workplaces.

In November 2024, we were awarded the ERZgesund seal of approval for our occupational health management by the BGF advice and coordination centre ERZgesund.

Do you have questions about our products? We are happy to assist you!

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