From Idea to the Finished Product
In line with our Stage Gate Process, we accompany our customers and partners from the idea to the finished product. In a first meeting between our project team and the potential customer, we discuss and analyze existing products and their field of application.
In a second step, we adjust the possible room for improvement with the technologies of Norafin. Usually the process encompasses different steps. It starts with the new product idea, leads over to the feasibility study and the R&D work in order to end with the design of the prototype and the serial production. Due to this well-structured project approach, we can draw from our experience gained beforehand and build our new findings on an already strong, but constantly growing knowledge base.

How We Proceed
A project team per field of application develops product as well as project ideas relevant to the market to the point of product readiness. This could comprise an offer for implementation, a hand sample, a trial on the production facility, or the development of further prototypes. The project team accompanies this process from the product idea to its market readiness and supplies the customer with all necessary details concerning delivery specifications, availabilities, product specifications, and all further information crucial for the reliable observance of delivery dates.
Additionally we develop new ideas internally within our R&D team. Through market observation and continued expertise, constant projects with research institutes and business partners, as well as through the influence of our Norafin employees and the Norafin environment. We concentrate on finding sustainable solutions realizable with our Norafin potential.
In close cooperation with internal experts, the project managers of our R&D department are also concerned with the continuous enhancement of our technologies, the analysis of resources and their minimization of wastage, the advancement of sustainability within our organization, as well as with internal process optimizations.
Our Current Long-term Projects
Currently, there are no ongoing long-term projects in our pipeline.